South Florida school kids sent us Thank You cards
BuddyBooks meets ESSA IV criteria
EdTech Digest Finalist for Best Special Needs & Assistive Technology
EdTech Breakthrough Reading Solution of the Year
Kids Like Me Bookshelf Feasibility Project
NSF awards Phase II for BuddyBooks
Global Tech Award for BuddyBooks
NIH iCorps Award "Best Extensive Customer Discovery"
EdTech Digest Finalist for Best Literacy and Reading Product
NIH Grant to improve Executive Functioning for College Students with a disability
Finalist for District Admin Top EdTech Products
Hundreds of educators visit us at ATIA
ObjectiveEd at ZeroCon24
NIH grant to build Executive Functioning skills
Getting in Touch with Literacy
GESA Global EdTech Startup Awards
CNIB & ObjectiveEd: Digital Literacy
NIDILRR grant for Middle School Social Skills for VI students
Reading Solution of the Year
Learning Tools Finalist